05 August 2011


As I have written on more than one occasion, I am terribly book obsessed.  Books were my first friends, and my dearest companions.  To this day, if I need a bit of comfort on a dreary day, I look to books to provide that for me.  In fact, I carry a book with me everywhere I go, and feel naked if this significant detail is somehow overlooked in a day. My love runs deep, so I was excited when I found Bookfessions, a blog collection of bibliophile's confessions.  I can relate to most each and every one of them....

The internet has gifted me with so many different sources for fueling and organizing my book fever.  There are two other sites that I would like to share with you, Library Thing and Goodreads.  I use them both regularly, but for different reasons, which I will explain..

Library Thing is an online database where one can keep track of all the books on their bookshelves. You can tag each one with helpful info so that you can easily search you library later in order to find various books.

I really enjoy the community aspect of Library Thing.  Each time you add a book you can see all of the other members that have the same book.  Often this is not very interesting, but if you have a rare book, and there are only a couple of other members that also have a copy, it can be the start of a good conversation.

Library Thing also compares your library with that of other members which is always fun to find a kindred soul who shares a similar library.  If you are like me, that is one of the first things I do when I visit a new friend's house, I peruse their book collection attempting to glean information about them, this just cuts to the chase.

If you decide to join Library Thing, please look me up.  My username is SpookySpice.  I have been a member of this site since it was in beta and I have yet to finish adding all of my books, but that is a because I keep getting new ones before I finish adding all of the old ones....

My second book tool is Goodreads.  You might be wondering why I would need another book recording site, when I already have Library Thing, but I can easily explain this.  I am, as you know, and avid book reader.  I read constantly and not all of the books that I read are in my personal collection.  Many of them I borrow from friends or the library.  This being so, I can't really add them to my Library Thing shelf, can I?  So, my solution is to record then in Goodreads.  I try to write a simple review for each book I read as well.

As you may have noticed, there is a link to my shelf on the sidebar of this page.....

I have only been a member of Goodreads for a little over 3 years now, and have only been adding books as I read them, not often from the past. As such, my list is incomplete, but that is a project for another day. ....

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