I am not a morning person, never have been. However, being the mother of school age children, I must put on a "morning face" and enter the world hours before I would care to. The way I am able to do this is by getting up obscenely early. If I am able to have my breakfast, meditate or read, and watch the sun rise, all before waking my children, I find that I am much easier to be around.
Summer has lessened this burden a bit, though, since our time constraints are not as rigid. Now I get up around 7:30 and eat my breakfast, perhaps do a bit of writing. Then I go outside and water that plants. This is one of my favorite times of the day. Here I can see all the changes that took place as I slept. It may not seem possible, but new worlds can open over night. In fact, I recently scattered some loofah seeds, on a whim. My friend was clearing out some boxes and happened upon a plastic bag of these seeds that someone had given her years ago. I thought they were likely goners, but decided to scatter a few to see. This is what I discovered this morn:
There are several spots where the loofah seeds are sprouting. I am pleasantly surprised.
I have also found that my beloved Aloe is doing well after the last rain.
She had babies!!
And remember yesterday? I mentioned that I LOVE chocolate? Well my chocolate mint plant is taking off, and I am absolutely thrilled. I planted her below my kitchen window so that I can catch a whiff of her sweetness each time I open the window.