Have you ever

In India there have been banyan trees that have grown canvases that span acres, literally. Oh how I wish that I had a space on which to plant the seeds of this wild plant and let it take root where it pleases... but, alas, I have no such land. Not yet at least, though I do have the seeds.....
I have some other seeds that I have been waiting to plant.... *story time* ...... One of my first memories is from when I was about 4. I have other, earlier memories, but those are more sketches, without a sound stage and lighting..... Anyway, in this memory I had a preschool teacher that I loved. Upon graduating from her class she gave each of her students a most magnificent gift.....

a mimosa pudica plant. What makes this plant so spectacular was the fact that it is a sensitive to touch. The leaves will curl when touched. To be so young and have such a fascinating plant, it awakened in me a love for plants which I have to this day!
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After reliving this memory time and again, I found an online dealer in mimosa pudica seeds, .... and I am patiently awaiting the arrival of my very own! I shall have to get just the right pot.