This month has begun with a 'bang,' not a whimper.....
The culmination of more than a couple of months of planning resulted in a lovely event with which all involved were able to achieve some measure of success.
My dear friend, Haunted Farmgirl, and myself, put on an event for those crafty and artistic souls that seek a venue for their dark and/or whimsical creations. I am so thankful to have had the amazing, and creative ladies involved with this event. Without their participation this event could never have happened...
The way that each of these vendors and fashionistas were able to come in and create lovely and enticing displays of their handmade goods,... well, I am utterly impressed and I have learned much from all of you. ...
among others....
Let us not forget the considerable amount of time, energy and expertise that Kate Cates and her hair and makeup crew. They primped and coiffed the amazing models, and brought out such timeless and elegant beauty in each one of them. Without them, the runway would not have been as successful.
Also an integral part of this fashionable soiree, were the two most delighful bands that came out to enrich this event by showcasing their talents: Wax Museum Pandemonium and The Empirical Study. I strongly urge you to take a gander at their myspace pages, as they are decidedly "not-to-be-missed."
(I will be posting photos soon...)