I have been making jewelry and clothing for a great long while. Actually, I have been crafting since longer than I can remember. It is a family tradition, one might say. My mother is gifted in working with her hands, whether it be sewing, knitting, or anything else. I, not so talented, but willing to put in the work. Though I have always been a maker/doer, I have never had more than a virtual corner in which to display my wares.... Until now.

New to the fine city of Austin, Green House is a boutique that carries the works of local artists and crafters. They are situated in the heart of what is Austin, and they embody the unique feel that makes this city great. (The address is 701 E. 53rd.). It has so very exciting to me as I have put my wares here and in less than a month I have had to restock! They haven't even had their Grand Opening yet!!

In the short time that they have been open, I have learned about how to better marked myself on, as well as offline. I have been ramping up
my Etsy shop, listing new items regularly and getting involved with teams. I will do a separate blog post on the marketing end later....

Another plus to putting my items in this boutique is that I can test new products and get actual results and reactions from real live people! I have been doing this, as it is inspiring to have a real audience, as opposed to virtual. My Etsy shop has not allowed me this. Now I can test items and place them in my Etsy if they are in demand. Very cool.
The actual opening party will take place on May 7th from 10am to 10 pm and will be an event *not* to be missed. There will be live music, cocktails, a local artist's work in the gallery, and tons of fabulous locally handcrafted goodies!! I hope that you all can come and hang out with me!!