I have a huge love for children, and a great deal more patience for them than I do for the average adult human. I believe that they all deserve the best chances and opportunities possible during their childhood. That is what makes childhood great. I was very fortunate growing up. I lived in a home with a mom and dad who loved me dearly and provided for me anything I could wish for. I took ballet, had a pony, had access to more books than I could read..... Even decisions that, at the time, seemed to be cruel, were actually for my benefit (i.e. my parents' decision not to have a television in the house.)
As a result of my upbringing, I am grateful, and have a huge ache in my heart for those who do not share the same sort or similar of advantages of being in a loving home. I do not want to be one of those people who feels empathy towards those less fortunate, but I want to be one of those people who actively works to better the lives of those around me. Which brings me to my real reason for writing.....
My daughter very recently started kindergarten. She is a remarkable and spirited young lady with a heart of gold. I cannot sing the praises of my daughter enough. I truly love and admire her. That is besides the point, though. It is within her experience as a kindergartener that she has come across some other amazing individuals. One such is her "reading buddy."
Each week, at least once, the children in Kinder are sent to go and work with a reading mentor, a child from 5th or 6th grade. These mentors help them develop the skills to become stellar readers. My sweet daughter has been particularly blessed to have the most amazing of mentors, a phenomenal child that I am glad to have the pleasure to know.
The girl that mentors my daughter approached me in the halls the first time I met her. She came and told me that my daughter is doing remarkably well in her class, and is a joy to be around. One of the next times I saw her was on a particularly difficult morning. My daughter did not want to go to school, and she was crying and wouldn't let go of me. This sweet little girl came up to us and addressed my daughter, asking her to walk her into school. My daughter responded immediately and took her hand, walking happily inside the building. Each time I have seen her mentor, she has been loving and kind and truly just an absolute pleasure.
Having been so impressed by this girl's kindness toward my daughter, I wanted to inquire of her teacher to see if it would be alright to give the girl a little something for Christmas. I went after school to her teacher and asked. Her teacher said absolutely it would be alright. Then I sang the praises of her mentor and told her how happy I was that my daughter had been placed with her. That is when I found out her story.
The little girl that has been so kind and loving to my daughter is quite effectively an orphan. I was floored when I heard this. My immediate response was, "How do I go about adopting her?" Of course, that was a knee-jerk reaction, but it got me thinking. Why not? We have the means....
I have thought about the possibility of her being abused, and in turn becoming an abuser. I have considered that that might effect my children adversely. At this point, I believe I am in the "information gathering" stage. My daughter's teacher is going to inquire a wee bit into the matter. From there, I can consider where to go. At this point, however, the situation looks promising, and I am hopeful.