22 June 2010

My daily itinerary.....

Recently, my life (as well as the life of my family) has become a bit more chaotic.... or busy, rather. This is due to the death of our 'other' car, making us a one car household.  As a result, my freedom of timetable is greatly lessened.  Here is what a 'normal' day looks like, until we get our 'other-other' car fixed.....

4 am - Wake up and take the honey to work

4:45 - Arrive back at the house, put the kiddos in their beds, and hope they go back to sleep

5 am - Eat breakfast, lay out clothes, check email, pack lunches, drink coffee read facebook, finish homework etc.

6 am - Get the wee ones up and feed them breakfast

6:30 am - Dress bebes, do hair,  water plants

7am - leave and take wee ones to Summer Camp

8 am Catch bus from UT to Internship

9 - 11 am - Teach English to Refugess (Internship)

11:30 - 1pm - MES class

1 - 4 work on homework, readings, and various other school stuff

4 - 5 - fetch my wee ones and drive home

5 - 6 -  Make dinner then sit down to eat

6 - 6:30 - eat and relax

6:30 - 7(ish) - Pick up the honey from work

7 - 8 - bathe and prepare the wee peoples for bed

8 - ??? Hang out with the honey, do homework, etc.

I do so hope that we can get the 'other-other' vehicle up and running soon, as I have so little time right now. I feel that I am always in a rush. There has been no art done in my home, at least not by me.  I have a creative yearning, but very little time or energy to put aside for its expression.....