26 June 2010

Bright Lights, Big City

I am ever so excited.  I went seed shopping today, on the internet.  The result:  I have a large amount of organic herb seeds coming to mi casa. As terribly excited as I am, I am uncertain as to what I will do with all the seeds.  Each package contains 100 seeds, and as a container gardener, I won't use but 20 at most.  Cases such as this bring out the entrepreneur in me.

My small fantasy, is that I will cultivate and grow into seedlings, these certified organic herbs.  Then, once they are ready to be transplanted, I will sell them on craigslist, for a small amount.  To recoup my cost is simple, as the seeds themselves were not costly.  Plus, the time invested is worth it to me, as I love watching things grow and nurturing new life.  In all, I see it as a winning situation.

Here is a list of the seeds I ordered:
Black Cumin
Echinacea Angustifolia
Echinacea Purpurea
Geman Chamomile
Roman Chamomile
Lemon Balm 
Lemon Bergamot


The Crusty Crone said...

You have a great blog and I enjoyed your writing. I was a bit confused for a moment, however, after reading on your profile that you were 90 yrs old... then reading a post about tossing the wee ones into the car to take hubby to work. "Man, she's in really really good shape for 90 yrs old!!" I enjoyed the chuckle as well.

Good luck with life... sounds like you have a very full one.

perfidia said...

Thank you! I really enjoy reading your blog as well. I have been following you for at least a couple months now.

As for the 90 year old thing... Yeah, I never give my real age, and when I chose the year, I chose that at random.