06 December 2009

Free Time?

Each semester break I become excited by the prospect of 'me' time. As much as I love school, I truly enjoy the opportunity to 'do' and read according to my whims. As such, I have compiled an impossibly long list of books I hope to read during the holidays:

1) Rome Wasn't Burnt In a Day by Joe Scarborough
2) Reason, Faith, and Revolution by Terry Eagleton
3) Ghost Map by Steven Johnson
4) Souls On Ice by Eldridge Cleaver
5) Crackpot: The Obsessions of John Waters
6) Harry Potter (book 1) -in Arabic....
7) Kierkegaard, Language, and the Reality of God by Steven Shakespeare

Also, during this break, I would like to do a good bit of baking and crafting...Oh Yeah! And journaling, of course....


Shana said...

Joe Scarborough's Last Best Hope is also good.

perfidia said...

Thank you! I will put it on my bookmooch list. I am always looking for a good read!!