I am, by nature, an avid writer. I love to create using words. That is the purpose of this blog. However, lately I have been feeling far to exhausted to undertake any addition creative endeavors other than the ones that are already expected of me. Let me give you a breakdown of the my life, as of late.....
I posted about the search for our first home purchase. In fact, I believe I spoke of my "wish list." Turns out, we found a house that is just about perfect, and on 4/10 an acre! All paperwork was signed and recorded on the 4th of this month. The house is now our home.... though we are still trying to finish the moving part.
Moving is a ridiculously difficult undertaking. I am quite tired of it, frankly, but now that Christopher has begun working nights, his body has yet to adjust to this dramatic change. He has been too tired to assist me in the packing. Which is fine, but it is all beginning to feel a bit overwhelming.
In addition to my many responsibilities, I am nearing the middle of my final semester as an undergraduate. I am preparing final projects, writing papers, taking tests, applying for jobs, etc. I have a huge, looming fear that I will graduate and be unable to find suitable work. Yes, I will have three majors and one minor under my belt, but what is the usefulness and marketability of this degree? I fret.....
These tasks and responsibilities that lie before me, along with my duties to my three wee ones, have put me in a state of exhausted frenzy, hence the lack of posts. I don't know how long I will be in absence, but every spare moment, I daydream of the little plot of land, my easel and/or yoga mat, and hot tea. After all of this is completed, I may revel in these daydreams a bit before posting regularly again....
*** Want to get further into the depths of my mind? I started a tumblr account as a place to keep my favorite images http://spidergoddess.tumblr.com/ ***