24 April 2010

Vampires and Presidents

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire HunterI have always been a bit of a history geek. I say 'bit of' because it is only certain eras  or individuals in history that I am interested in.  For instance, I am fascinated with Amelia Earhart.  Also, I study WWI history, but only from an Arab perspective, and WWII from the Japanese perspective.

One historical character I have always had a deep, abiding love for is Abraham Lincoln.  In high school, one might even say that I was a little obsessed with him.  I even went so far as to have professional senior photos taken of me beside a small statue of this illustrious, historic figure.  Knowing this, you may have some idea of the odd mix of emotions I fest as I picked up Seth Grahame-Smith's Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

As I sat for the first time , holding Mr. Grahame-Smith's sophomore novel,  I was all at once filled with curiosity, excitement, and apprehension.  The peculiar mix of emotions did little to dissuade me from reading the book, however.  In fact, I began reading it almost immediately.

Some books -okay most books- take a few pages to get started, a few pages before one becomes fully entrenched in the tale. Mr. Grahame-Smith wasted no time, however, in spinning such a yarn that would come to demand hours of the reader, even outside of the pages themselves. I was so engrossed in the story that I found myself considering his alternate reality. When not reading, I daydreamed about hunting vampires with Abe, or becoming part of the "Union."

That Grahame-Smith was able to closely follow the events in the life of the Great Emancipator, while interweaving an epic vampire saga, and not change any of the major events of history, is a credit to his storytelling. I am not one to add spoilers to my reviews, so I won't go any further. Just know that the mythology in this novel is fantastic and easy to sink into. I found myself wishing it were all real, that vampires really were to blame for one of the darkest times in US history....


On a slightly different note,  and due to my absolute enjoyment of this novel, I believe that I shall have to explore the genre further.  The result is a book group.  We shall read the original literary works, and then their super extraordinary monster counter novel.  In addition, I have been throwing around a few of my one ideas:

- Love and Shapeshifters in the Time of Cholera
- Jane Eyre and the Succubus
- Crime and Punishment and Banshees
- Moby Dick and Captain Hook
- and.......

23 April 2010

Flashback Friday

So a whole week has gone by, and I have not posted a thing!  Golly gee.... but I am gonna post twice today, as a way of making up for it.  Right now, I am giving you a bit of fun for your Friday... Give this video a gander.  Don't you wish you could kick up a heel with these hep cats?!  I do....

16 April 2010

Flashback Friday

This woman is another of my heroes.  Her career is rich as is her voice.

09 April 2010

Harried Housewife...

Okay, so I am not really a 'housewife,' but I appreciate alliteration, and I am ever so 'harried'....

This week I have dropped the ball on my 30/30 project.  What a perfectly dreadful time to have such a task anyway.  It is nearing the end of one of my most grueling semesters to date, and I am attempting to raise three wee ones, as well as working on my art.  The poetry project simply is not a priority, no matter how much I like the idea of it.....

I have not given up completely on this, however.  I have finalized my summer schedule for school, and I think that I may make June my official poetry month, so I can at least participate in my own way......

 As this semester winds to a close, I am plagued with many tests and presentations.  I have managed to choose my topics, and so must do some serious work to stay on top of the game:

For my 4th year Arabic course, I have chosen to do my presentation (10 min, completely in Arabic) about Honor Killings around the world.  I plan to integrate the topic of Honor and Suicide as well.

For my final paper in the same class, I am going to write it about abandonment in Arab Literature.  This class is a lit class, and many of the stories we have abandonment as a reoccurring theme.  I think it will make for a fine topic.....

My final presentation (20 min, completely in Arabic) for my Media Arabic course is going to be about Salah Adeen (aka Saladin).  He is one of my historical crushes, along with Abraham Lincoln and the first king of Iraq, Faisal.......

All of these topics are going to have to wait 24 hours though, as I am hosting a dinner party tonight.  (Another reason I am feeling a bit harried).  I must finish my tidying of the home, bake some bread, and chop veggies so that I can comfortably relax and partake of wine, good food, and excellent conversation.....

06 April 2010


     long hours with little reprieve....
The weight of the world,
    if only I could bear it,
But laziness and the struggle have left me indifferent......

05 April 2010

3/30 & 4/30

So, I admit it, I already dropped the ball.  Whatever, it is Easter weekend and madness has ensued.... I will try to make up for it by making up two poems, on-the-fly, right here and now..... Pay attention, this is how it is done.....

Easter has come and gone
     and so rest the wee ones
Time spent and shared
     acquaintances reacquainted
          another year

Who are you, really?
I have known you for over a decade,
          I don't really know you
Sure, I know what movies you enjoy, 
     what books you read
     the music you listen to
     what are your passions
.....But I can't help thinking there must be MORE?

There I shall leave it, with two crappy poems to catch up on my 30/30 project......

Now I must complete a ridiculous amount of homework before 11am tomorrow.... Not quite possible, since I will inevitably succumb to sleep in a matter of and hour or  two.  It is my way...

02 April 2010

Flashback Friday

Michael Buble and others have attempted what only Nina Simone could do properly. This is the way this song was meant to be presented.....


So, I am really getting into this project, and it is only day two!!  I am easily falling back into the mode of thinking in poetry.  Here is my second offering....

Breathe Deeply
     Taking it all in
Exhale Slowly
     Letting it wash over me.
I love mornings like these
     When the rain is cold
     When the coffee is hot
     When the kids are still in bed
           and I can just be me
                 become a better me
I will offer this, to those still sleeping....

01 April 2010


So begins the month of April.  This month is officially National Poetry Month. The challenge is to write a poem each day. I have chosen to take on this project.  As a disclaimer, I must say that it has been a while since I wrote any poetry.  Let us hope there will be a marked improvement over this course of this month....

Emotional Disturbance

Perhaps brought on by exhaustion
      or maybe I just need an excuse

Surveying my surroundings
I realize that it is timer for change.

Spring is time for new blossoms
      and I've already planted the seeds.....